Just a reminder - I am still on Facebook, and will continue to be. My Beyond the Data page is still up and running as always at https://www.facebook.com/Kathryn-Huwigs-Beyond-The-Data-105378038473582/ but my posts are being suppressed, so it’s best to check up over there actively. I also have my Understanding Ohio COVID-19 Data 3.0 for those of you who missed the shutdown of 2.0.
Substack is nice as a solid place to keep my posts without fear of censorship, but it lacks what FB does best - which is foster community and dialogue. The commenting system here is rudimentary and unwieldy. Better than nothing, but I would encourage people to return to commenting on those FB pages. The 3.0 group is underutilized as of right now because few people got the message that it exists and my main account is still suspended from groups for another week (Athrynkay Uwighay is my Pig Latin alter ego for when this happens, but most people missed that too).
You can reply to these emails as you get them, but it’s best not to simply because the reply emails are pretty hard to catch in my inbox the way that substack sends them to me, so I know I’ve probably missed some (sorry to those I have not replied to, I probably missed it!) It’s also better when comments are on the FB groups instead, because if one person has a thought or a comment, others probably do too, and it facilitates discussion among many more people that way.
Thank you,
Got it. Checking often.