The manipulation of pregnancy outcomes data with the ACIP is pure evil
This is beyond horrifying
There is so much to say about the ACIP slides today, but I need to get this one out first.
The ACIP presentation slides are up at
But I want to call attention to one slide in this deck on pregnancy and infants:
This ‘surveillance’ is so terrifyingly limited. They know it’s killing babies! But they have limited this study so tightly as to exclude all of that inconvenient data!
It is ONLY looking at the 3rd dose and for only 28 days after the receipt of that third dose!! And they are only considering ‘spontaneous abortions’. ONLY THOSE WITHIN THE FIRST 20 WEEKS.
Basically, in order to count in the primary outcome, the mother must receive their THIRD DOSE within the first 16-20 weeks of pregnancy. Not their first, not their second, not even their fourth. If their 3rd dose falls outside that range, any results will not be counted
To be clear: If they happen to have that 3rd dose on week 21, and immediately lose their babies they will not be counted because that is no longer a ‘spontaneous abortion’, that is a stillbirth!
Their secondary endpoints are not much better! Any booster dose can be counted up to 42 days. AGAIN, this will ONLY include babies who die before 20 weeks’ gestation, and will not count first or second doses, nor ANY doses taken before pregnancy!
Thank you for caring about the children and sharing your live observations! 💗
I sent individual emails and public comment.
See the names and faces of those who hold the fate of our children on the line -
If this passes, it will only be because not enough people knew this was getting voted on. This it is not over!
Sadly, Who needs RvW when we have vaccines?!