Jan 26, 2023Liked by Kathryn Huwig

The Time magazine article claims it’s been an “inadvertent exaggeration” of Covid illness and death. I disagree - it’s been very purposeful and profitable for several parties.

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ODH's response to my testimony proves it was not inadvertent. They just never thought they'd get caught.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Kathryn Huwig

This was all by design and still is! The fact all these agencies and elected officials aligned to commit murder like this is mind boggling. Not sure if justice will ever be served on these criminals!

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If I can do anything about it - I absolutely will.

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Kathryn Huwig

I know you have been working hard to inform people and bring all of this to light! Thank you for all that you continue to do!

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023Liked by Kathryn Huwig

The ODH and Dewine need prosecuted for willfully hiding this critical data. It was the biggest scam ever perpetrated against Americans and Ohioans. We have multiple friends whose parents died of completely unrelated deaths and they put that it was from covid. We have friends whose parents were part of the elderly kill off in nursing homes and one of the worst was at Rockynol in Akron, Ohio. One friend lost both parents and was never able to see them before or after they died! I fought to help hundreds of Ohioans stop what they were doing to the elderly. Then the jabs came on the scene. I know practitioners who worked at nursing homes and watched 60% of their patients die within a week of the jabs. They immediately notified DeWine’s office and surprise surprise…..he never bothered to respond! All the public health agencies that have also been complicit in this need to stand trial as well. Until all those responsible for the manufactured crisis is prosecuted for crimes against humanity, i won’t be enough. Plus the deadly protocols still being used in hospitals are killing people because they’ve got to have those covid numbers!!!! We were able to save some friends from the protocols, but others weren’t so lucky and lost up to three in just one small family who were not in the high risk group. It was Remdesivir and the ventilators that killed them, plus being denies other life saving measures that they were denied! Hospitals, doctors and nurses who participated in this all should be prosecuted as well. They tried to pull the Remdesivir crap at Akron General on my husband who said he would get up and walk out. Further, they are also intentionally allowing patients to get dehydrated to make matters worse. We had to hospitals try and deny it saying they didn’t do that anymore. Seriously! As a care giver that was always the first line of treatment when patients are brought in! We will never trust the healthcare system against, let alone most doctors. I still can’t believe doctors are still pushing the toxic jabs!

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Joni - I live in the Akron, OH area, so your comment caught my eye. Note I’ve also commented to another one of your comments here. Are you familiar with the efforts of John Beaudoin?

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No, I am not! We are in Akron too! Glad you reached out. I would love to learn more about him.

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I follow a website on WordPress. The lady is in or near Akron I believe or at least was. She has had horrible issues with abuse of her children by the father and the authorities. Here's a link if you are interested. She doesn't post often.


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I follow a website on WordPress. The lady is in or near Akron I believe or at least was. She has had horrible issues with abuse of her children by the father and the authorities. Here's a link if you are interested. She doesn't post often.


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Thank you Baldmichael - I will take a look.

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It is unbelievable. I had a recent discussion with someone in the US who says he, Gary, is a doctor. This is an extract. He is responding to a commuter who things vaccines are ok.

"Gary to epicurus

Exactly. Watch as all your children die horrible, excruciating deaths from smallpox or diptheria and you will BEG for vaccines.

My response

More fear porn from you Gary, no substance, just scare tactics. Perhaps you are unaware of all the vaccine harms indicated on the government websites?

Many parents do not beg for vaccines Gary as they have seen their precious children maimed for life by them. Perhaps you don’t have any children Gary.

You indicate you are a doctor, but I find you very unprofessional. I think you have a serious mental disorder."


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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Kathryn Huwig

Here's one for your Kathryn. My mom got covid while on a cruise (against my approval) back in August. She coughed so hard and so much that her entire abdominal area was bruised - from left to right and from under her breasts to just above the pubic area. She ended up with a collapsed left lung and her diaphram had detached and was also putting pressure on the lung. After several times of draining fluid from around her lung and pulling out numerous globs of fiberous, bloody, mucus tissue that looked like worms from inside her lung, they came to the conclusion that she had asperated in her sleep. That the detachment of her diaphram was due to her posture. ????? They refused to admit that any of this was due to covid. She had the first 2 initial doses of the jab in 2020 but no boosters. Is this why? I just don't understand how they could not even consider the fact that all of this was due to covid. Is it the white lung theory? Is it the jabs in combination with contracting covid that are causing these "mucus" clots in patient's lungs? She was in the hospital for 19 days.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Kathryn Huwig

I know you were waiting on Kathryn’s response, but what your mom experienced was from the jab not covid! I’ve read numerous studies with detailed descriptions about the clots forming just as you described. It wasn’t from covid, but the jab. I hope your mom recovers from all of this. We can’t trust any diagnosis from hospitals or doctors anymore….at least the majority of them. There are some protocols that a number of Frontline and outspoken doctors are recommending about trying to remove the toxic ingredients from your body if you took them. Respond if you are interested and I’ll share the info.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Kathryn Huwig

Thank you! Her pulmonologist (she has asthma) is the one who finally came to the hospital on the like the 14th day and performed both procedures (inside and outside the lung) that finally caused her lung to open 70%. But he also refused to acknowledge the fact that all this was caused by covid/the jab. I can give her the info and we'll go over it together. Thanks again!

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You are welcome, Beth. This is another substack that recommends Humic and Fulvic Acid. I am currently using it for my own health and got the best price on Vitacost.com - Vital Earth. They have a combined bottle with both of these or you can buy them separately. This is the substack link: https://arrowd.substack.com/p/humid-acid-to-neutralize-graphene?utm_source=substack%2Csubstack&publication_id=1087475&post_id=81412385&utm_medium=email%2Cemail&isFreemail=true. Also, does she take vitamin C? I am an asthmatic and have taken 2,000-3000 daily since I was 19 years old and now in my sixties! I’ll put the other recommendation in another comment below this one.

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This is another substack for EDTA Chelation. I also got this from Vitacost.com. I got this to have on hand in case we are subjected to shedding of the jabs from my husbands family or coworkers my sons are exposed to. https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/edta-chelation-dissolves-the-artificial. We also take NAC, Quercetin and Zinc in addition to our regular supplements that fight covid. D3 is critical as well. I’ve read about using these to also protect against what the jabs are doing. Also this is an excellent reference by Dr. Bryan Ardis you can view here on covid recovery and protocols: https://deeprootsathome.com/dr-bryan-ardis-gives-life-saving-protocol-here/. Please don’t hesitate to ask for any additional information.

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There is shedding of the jab???? Are you kidding?? Ugh..... I've been taking zinc, D3 and C since the schools opened back up - I'm an elementary secretary. And I'm definitely going to read the article by Dr. Ardis. Thanks so much!

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You are very welcome! Yes, unfortunately, there is shedding from these jabs. I really recommend adding in NAC, Zinc and Quercetin as they are power house supplements along with the D3 and C! I’ve had my whole family on these since the plandemic started and they are great supplements that do other good things.

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I had never heard of those. Yes. She takes a multi vitamin daily. She is 74. She's also a cancer (esophagus) survivor, has 2 valves repaired and 1 replaced, a pacemaker, and no thyroid.

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Your mom is one tough cookie!! God bless her! I had never heard of the Fulvic and Humic Acid until I read that newsletter, but they are really good for you now that I have been researching them a lot. That’s why I started using them. The EDTA Chelation I have heard of but had never studied it until I read the other newsletter on cleaning your system of these jabs and there is even more benefits they are meant to provide. Take care!

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Joni - my partner, Tom Haviland and I worked on an embalmer survey that we sent out to 30+ states. Substack author A Midwestern Doctor published our results here: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/do-the-mysterious-fibrous-clots-really

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That is great that you did this! I’ve been following all of the discussions with embalmers. I’ll review it. Thanks!

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That's fantastic! I'd love to see the results of those surveys, if you're willing!

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Kathryn. Click on the link above to A Midwestern Doctor’s stack article. He published our results.

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Oh sheesh. I'm blind. I read right up to that point and just blanked. I would most definitely be interested in the Ohio specific results. Looks like a large number from here. I'll reach out to Tom. Thank you for pointing this out to me!

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Tom’s contact info is in the docs if you want to speak to him.

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Did I see a notification to send you an email? Or shall I just email Tom?

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That was for the commenter Joni to contact me. You can email or call Tom directly. I gave him a heads up.

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I'm so sorry to read all of that! There is so much willful blindness in the medical field, it's absolutely horrifying. I hope what Joni suggested helps, but yes, I would definitely be suspicious of this being a side effect of the jabs - it should always be considered a possibility at the least.

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It’s sad, but they have actually authorized intentional malpractice with the covid scheme and these hospitals don’t care one bit. There is no doubt. We had a friend who got kidney damage from the Remdesivir after she told the hospital staff she didn’t want it and they still gave it to her anyway. Then she demanded that they stop giving it to her. She was getting weaker and weaker. Her x-husband finally was allowed in to speak to the doctors who tried to put her on a ventilator. He said no. They told him she was going to die anyway, so he might as well do it!!! It’s all about the huge covid payouts they get for covid patients. They transferred her to a nursing home because she got so weak and needed physical therapy in order to walk again. This is what they are doing to people intentionally! She would have died had he allowed them to put her on the ventilator.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Kathryn Huwig

For the Time article, anyone getting paywalled can read it here


I didn't get blocked on my phone, but on PC wouldn't let me read.

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I just watched your testimony. Did Scott Wiggam ever follow up with you regarding the numbers in his county?

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Kathryn Huwig

You did NAIL IT!!!!!!

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Hi Kathryn, I don't want to post my article here because it's your substack. But can you please take a look at my latest and, if you agree with it, then let's take the fight to governments. I guarantee you that Ohio is better than MA, which is 37 D to 3 R in the state Senate. You can laugh out loud here. Seriously though, let's get rolling. I'm willing to help in OH. Warner is there as well. ~John

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I wish I could believe OH is better than MA, but this state is so wildly corrupt. We may technically be a red state, but DeWine was one of the absolute worst offenders when it came to restrictions, mandates, and terrorizing and manipulating Ohioans. We may have an overwhelming number of 'republican' legislators, but they are almost all completely neutered and terrified of the establishment machine that DeWine sits at the top of.

Dave Yost, our AG, is no better at the state level. Despite arguing at the US Supreme Court against the mandates, he's arguing against Warner in the state when Warner comes *with the same arguments!*

Our legislature is an absolute mess right now. Despite overwhelming votes for conservative republicans by Ohioans, a faction of republicans made a deal with House democrats to elect a Speaker who is more beholden to our (COVID-crazy) democrats. It's grotesque.

With DeWine's reelection and the dysfunction of our legislature, I expect NOTHING good out of this state government for the next two years.

In other news, I'm right in the middle of a back and forth (again) with Vital Statistics trying to get the rest of the Ohio mortality data. Currently they're just giving me silence, but we're about to start kicking it up legally.

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Maybe try this.

Work around "formal" and learn to play "informally."

That is, learn the players in state govt. Then figure out how to get what you need through personal conversations. They have dead family members, too.

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