clearly pharma is strong...I'm at a loss as to any ethics or conscience these people have. If any were neighbors of mine they'd get a punch in the mouth

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Ok fine, technically speaking, the CDC has no LEGAL control over policies implemented by state health departments or by school systems in general. However, the CDC is well aware of the powerful influence of its "recommendations." Thanks to Covid19, we the people now also understand how such influence was and will continue to be used dic​ta​to​ri​al​ly by state governments, municipalities, and industries throughout the public and private sectors. All it takes is a little wordsmithing to absolve the CDC from all responsibility for any harm incurred while following their recommendations.

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I'm confused. I thought there were 2 issues being voted on - 1) yesterday 2) today

1. Add the vaccine to the VFC (vaccines for children program) to make it financially accessible.

2. Add the vaccine to the recommended immunization schedule

You're saying both are now approved? I know #1 was, unanimously, yesterday.

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The official vote for adding it to the schedule is this afternoon. After this morning's presentation, it is a foregone conclusion that COVID will be voted in, unanimously.

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Ugh. Thanks.

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Dr Bruce Vanderhoff press conference....omg...at it again...fear porn...masking...holiday season...get boosted..safe and effective...seasonal waves...blah blah blah. If I heard him correctly, cdc defines fully vaxed as primary series plus most current booster.


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Warner Mendenhall suggested your substack. Great posts! I just put up my first one. Substack is a bit different, but learning the ropes. Sharon > https://sharonbautistarnlnc.substack.com/p/the-critical-thinkers-have-left-the?sd=pf

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